Saturday, May 18, 2013

Migration Report

I have completed the migration scripts for deploying the services currently running on cube. They have been run against our new machine, dornkirk which is currently running with a snapshot of data.

It can currently be accessed by putting

in /etc/hosts. Please tests it, and verify that things appear to be working, but be aware that any changes will be lost, when the transition occurs.

At some point Monday or Tuesday, there will be some downtime for mail and the mailing lists, as mail-service is migrated to the new machine. For those that have accounts on cube, your data will be copied to the new machine at this point.

On Wednesday, at about 10 MDT (16 UTC), there will be downtime of all twisted services, as live data is transfered over. This may last up-to a couple of hours.

This work is made possible by the sponsorship of individuals and organizations which have donated to the Twisted project, part of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a not-for-profit organization that helps promote, improve, and develop open source software. Thanks!

Friday, May 3, 2013

April end-month report

During the second half of the month, I have concentrated on the continuing development tools to automate the deployment of twisted infrastructure.

I've also spent some time developing some command-line tools for interacting with trac. It currently support view tickets, listing review tickets, and grabbing attachments (including applying them in git with an appropriate commit message). I plan to add support for doing reviews, as well.

This work is made possible by the sponsorship of individuals and organizations which have donated to the Twisted project, part of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a not-for-profit organization that helps promote, improve, and develop open source software. Thanks!