On behalf of Twisted Matrix Laboratories, I am honored to announce the release of Twisted 11.0.0.
Highlights include:
- a new templating system in Twisted Web, "twisted.web.template", derived from Divmod Nevow.
- improved behavior of subprocess spawning on FreeBSD.
- the 'twistd mail' plugin now uses the endpoints API, providing a more consistent command line and compatibility with endpoint plugins.
- twisted.plugin no longer emits a confusing traceback when it can't write a cache file.
and numerous other bugfixes and documentation improvements. For more information, see the NEWS file.
Download it now from:
or install the 'Twisted' package from PyPI.
Many thanks to Glyph Lefkowitz and Jean-Paul Calderone for sanity-checking the pre-releases and release, and to the enthusiastic PyCon 2011 sprinters who annihilated dozens of tickets. Thanks to *everyone* who contributed tickets, patches, documentation, reviews, buildbots, feedback, and assistance to fellow users and developers leading up to this release. It is truly a group effort.
is a testament to how much work was done in March alone.