Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January 2016 - SFC Sponsored Development

This is my report for the work done in January 2016 as part of the Twisted Maintainer Fellowship program.
It is my last report of the Twisted Maintainer Fellowship 2015 program.

With this fellowship the review queue size was reduced and the review round-trips were done much quicker.
This fellowship has produced the Git/GitHub migration plan but has failed to finalize its execution.

Tickets reviewed and merged

* #7671 - It is way too hard to specify a trust root combining multiple certificates, especially to HTTP
* #7993 - Port twisted.web.wsgi to Python 3
* #8140 - twisted.web.test.requesthelper.DummyRequest is out of sync with the real Request
* #8148 - Deprecate twisted.protocols.mice
* #8173 - Twisted does not have a code of conduct
* #8180 - Conch integration tests fail because DSA is deprecated in OpenSSH 7.
* #8187 - Use a less ancient OpenSSL method in twisted.test.test_sslverify

Tickets reviewed and not merged yet

* #7889 - replace win32api.OpenProcess and win32api.FormatMessage with cffi
* #8150 - twisted.internet.ssl.KeyPair should provide loadPEM
* #8159 - twisted.internet._win32serialport incompatible with pyserial 3.x
* #8169 - t.w.static.addSlash does not work on Python 3
* #8188 - Advertise H2 via ALPN/NPN when available.

Thanks to the Software Freedom Conservancy and all of the sponsors who made this possible, as well as to all the other Twisted developers who helped out by writing or reviewing code.

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