Friday, July 20, 2012

July sprints report

Twisted had its first cross-coast sprint last Saturday! Ying Li and Rackspace organized a Twisted tutorial by project founder Glyph in San Francisco on Friday, which was followed on Saturday by sprints in San Francisco and Boston.
The Boston sprint was made possible by a grant from the Python Software Foundation Sprints Committee. A big thank you to the PSF for their support.

Sprint report for Boston

JP Calderone

Cynthia Andre

Allister MacLeod

David Sturgis

Itamar Turner-Trauring

David Wang

  • Worked on a Twisted web server for an HTML5/JavaScript application

Jessica McKellar

Sprint report for San Francisco

Alex Gaynor

David Reid

Corbin Simpson


Ralph Meijer

  • Worked on #3456: srvconnector fails for xmpp-client service on OS X
  • Discussed the intersection of Twisted Cred and Twisted Words with Glyph, laying out some architectural principles for development of things like a generalized SASL layer and proper use of the 'mind' parameter within the XMPP server within Twisted.

Andrew Bennetts

Ying Li

Remote sprinters

We had a number of remote sprinters from around the world, including: